          台灣人準備好了要獨立嗎? Are the people of Taiwan ready to independence?●eachouchen(2010.12.26)/ 雲程譯 【Comment】 人家說,經濟或金錢是手段,幸福與品質才是目的。同樣的,獨立是手段,人民的幸福才是目的。若兩者正相關,應該努力往前衝;若兩者不相關、暫時不宜、或需先自我準備,那我們也不能一頭熱的往前衝。 台灣,作為國際社會的成員(是指WTO的這種)也應擔負區域責任。而在擔負區域責任之前,要自我健全、自我文?辦公室出租B自我提昇。 當然,馬政權的暴衝,破壞了台灣繼續提昇司法獨立、教育品質、涉外關係、言論自由以及統計基礎等,不惜鉅額舉債,也只專心前近代的文言文、虛幻美麗的力量、浮誇100精采等,是反文明之道而行的政權。 題目是網友eachouchen所定。 Are the people of Taiwan ready to independence?●eachouchen(2010.12.26)/ 雲程譯 酒店打工台灣人準備好了要獨立嗎? 當菲律賓人在1898年6月12日宣布獨立時,美西戰爭(1898.04.25-08.12)還在熱戰中。獨立的宣布根本未獲得西班牙或美國的承認。美國在1946年7月4日承認菲律賓獨立,但菲律賓人是否在1898年6月12日,或者1946年7月4日準備好了獨立?假使菲律賓人已經準備好獨立,那為什麼菲律賓會從一個亞洲最富庶的國家,淪為亞洲最貧窮的國家? 美國應該?租屋q菲律賓的例子中學到教訓。這就是為何台灣的政治權力的移轉過渡與建制、司法、財政、教育等等比起菲律賓更為精緻廣泛,因為在此時,不容許出現分毫的疏失。由美國政府所提出的方案,撰寫提案、尋找適當的台灣人;鮑爾國務卿說過:台灣不是主權國家,ROC也不是;控美案中美國法院說台灣人無國籍,但馬與其核心正試圖主張ROC合法擁有台灣;美國軍機降落台灣;AIT新館作為亞洲通訊中心;美國人 酒店打工在台灣的足跡(1950-1980)特展等等,都告訴我們美國正在重新建立對台灣的控制,並逐步在無聲無息中剔除ROC在台灣,也不激怒中國。這是非常複雜的工程,需整合許多不同的人、不同國家、以及美國不同的部門。只有一個人能勝任此一艱鉅的任務,那就是美國總統。 從AIT的租借可感覺到,美國將控制台灣長達兩世紀。假使沒有美國與日本的同意,台灣在一段很長時間內只能維持「自治邦」的狀態。台灣人準備好了要接受這個 結婚現實嗎? Are the people of Taiwan ready to independence? When the people of Philippine declared independent from Spain on June 12, 1898, Spanish-American War was still fighting (April 25 – August 12, 1898). The declaration, however, was neither recognized by the United States nor Spain. The United States finally recognized Philippine independence on July 4, 1946, but were the people of Philippin 建築設計e ready to independence on June 12, 1898 or July 4, 194? If the people of Philippine were ready to independence, why Philippine is from one of the richest countries in east Asia to one of the poorest countries in Asia? American should have learned lesson from Philippine. That is why the transition and establishment of political power, judicial, fiance, education, and so on in Taiwan are more comprehensive and holistic than Philip 情趣用品pine, because there is no room for any slightly mistake this time. The project from suggestion from US Government, writing proposal, searching suitable Taiwanese, Secretary Collin Powell saying Taiwan not country and ROC not country either, lawsuit in the US Court, no nationality of the people of Taiwan from opinions of the US Court, Ma and his gangs trying to claiming ROC legitimacy on Taiwan, the US military airplane landing on Taiwan, new AIT 系統傢俱as military communication center in Asia, exhibit American Footstep in Taiwan from 1950-1980, it tells us that American is trying to control Taiwan again and gradually phasing out ROC on Taiwan without causing any disturbance to the people of Taiwan and irritating to PRC. This is one very complicated project to involve many different persons, different countries, and different departments of the United States. There is one man in the world being able to coordinate this, the pr 烤肉esident of United States. From the AIT lease, it seems that the United States will control Taiwan for the next two centuries. Without the approval of US and Japan for Taiwan independence, Taiwan will remain as autonomous state for very long time. Are you ready to accept this, the people of Taiwan?   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 售屋網  .

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